Saturday, 6 August 2016

DakshinaamurtiStotram (2)



यस्यैव स्फुरणं सदात्मकमसत्कल्पार्थकं भासते
साक्षात्तत्वमसीति वेदवचसा यो बोधयत्याश्रितान्
यत्साक्षात्करणाद्भवेन्न पुनरावृत्तिर्भवाम्भोनिधौ
तस्मै श्री गुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्री दक्षिणामूर्तये [3]


यस्य-एव-स्फुरणं-सत्-आत्मकं-असत्-कल्प-अर्थकं भासते
तस्मै-श्री-गुरु-मूर्तये-नम:-इदं-श्री-दक्षिणा-मूर्तये [3]


He whose projection though of the nature of ‘Existence Absolute’
 shines forth with the purpose of conception of non existence;
He who enlightens those who take shelter in him
with the Vedic statement – ‘you are That in direct experience’;
by the realization of which there will not occur again
 the returning in the ocean of the worldly existences,
 to that Great Guru, Dakshinaa Moorti, I offer this salutation.

SPHURANAM - breaking forth, quivering, shining, flashing

KALPA-imagination, conception

SAT- Existence, Real

ASAT -not real, nonexistent

ARTHAKAM –purpose of

BHAA -shine

AKSHA – senses
SAAKSHA - with senses
SAAKSHAAT - Direct experience through senses

AAVRITTIHI - revolving, reversion, returning, coming back

AMBHAS - waters
AMBHONIDHI – Ocean (that which has the wealth of waters)

ARTHAKAM - purpose


Salutations to that Great Manifestation;
that Manifestation towards the descent!
Salutations to that Supreme state
by realizing which there will not be a return
 to the ocean of worldly existence;
by realizing which the contemplating one
will experience the Vedic Truth – That Thou Art;
by realizing which one will know
 the entire world of perceptions as unreal and
as emanating from his own true Self as Para Brahman!

It may be argued that even if the Supreme Brahman alone is appearing as this world, 
I love my existence as this individual Self; what need is there for any liberation!
‘I love the hallucinations/ dreams/ virtual worlds even if they are unreal; please do not disturb me drowned in those unreal worlds; I am happy; I do not want to know the truth;
I have my Gods and Gurus to protect me; I have my astrologers to predict my future;
I have my ghosts to frighten me; I have my superstitions to guide me; I have heavens and hells to visit after death; I do not want the bitter truth that everything I see is unreal;
I cannot call my mother as a common gene owner; I like the stars above to control my daily life. Do not upset my contended life by this bomb burst of facts’
That is what every alcoholic would say; every drug addict would say; every God loving, family loving worldly person will say.
If we say we do not want to wake up from this unreal world, we are not less idiotic than the hallucinating drug addicts.

Sri Ramakrishna explains this fact like this:
When a fisher man casts the net and is catching huge amount of fish, some fish die; some escape quickly before they die; some do not even try to get out feeling happy inside that net. The man who does not strive for the Knowledge of his own Self belongs to third category.

How can we be ever happy being some one else other than us?
Let us analyze factually who we are!
All our unique physical characteristics are there because of the parental genes dating back to the first primordial cell.
You are what you are physically because of a random mathematical number or DNA coding that came up by chance; one chance in billion years of evolution for you to exist as yourself; a chance to see the Earth circling round the sun for a few decades!
One fine day your brain would send out the message to all the members of the cell- colony, (which you call yourself) to stop working and the cells would obey the master without questioning; then ‘you’ will be no more! Is that all? Does your life have no meaning at all?


The reflection in the mirror paused for a fraction of a second; looked at itself and asked this question? Who am I? Am I worth nothing?
The mirror answered:
“You are ME! You are worth everything as ME!”
The reflection said:
“How can you be me? I am nothing; I have only a limited form; I am bound by space and time; I have no control over my life; but you are eternal; all mighty; God; Supreme Controller; Eternal; immortal; all knower; I can exist only by worshiping you, pleasing you; save me please!”
“God?” The mirror laughed! “Which God? Who is there to worship me as God? I am the only one existing”
The mirror said:
 “You are not of limited form”; the reflection lost its form!
The mirror said:
 “You are not bound by space and time”; the reflection was suddenly free of all space time limitations!
 The mirror said:
 “You are me”; there was no reflection at all; only the mirror talking to itself!
Even that slight perturbation stopped.
There was Absolute Silence.
No one was there but THAT.

The particular reflection which asked the question never had to become the reflection again. It was now the mirror shining as countless other reflections!
All these other reflections were making a lot of noise; this is mine; I am beautiful; this is my son; this is my grandpa; I want this; I hate you; I own so much property; I want to earn a lot of money; I won the election; so on and so on.

The mirror knew everything; for it was the very awareness which was aware of everything; yet it was without any perturbation; there was only absolute silence; absolute bliss; absolute Knowledge!

who dreams the dream of this world
 and wakes up to the reality of his own Self!
Salutations to my own Self!
 Salutations to all the perceived forms around me
who are my own Self!
Salutations to me,
the Supreme DakshinaaMoorti,
the Unmanifest Manifest Brahman”


ज्ञानं यस्य तु चक्षुरादिकरणद्वाराबहिर्स्पन्दते
जानामीति तमेवभान्तमनुभात्येतद्समस्तम्जगत्
तस्मै श्री गुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्री दक्षिणामूर्तये [4]


ज्ञानं-यस्य-तु-चक्षुः-आदि-करण-द्वारा-बहिः -स्पन्दते
तस्मै-श्री-गुरु-मूर्तये-नमः -इदं-श्री-दक्षिणामूर्तये [4]


He who is shines forth excellently
like the light of the lamp kept inside the hollow of the pot with many holes;
the Knowledge of whom vibrates forth through the sense organs like eyes etc;
the shining one  whom the entire world cognizes saying ‘I know’;
 to that Great Guru, Dakshinaa Moorti, I offer this salutation.

CHIDRA -hole

GHATA – a large earthen pitcher

UDARA –belly, cavity

DEEPA –lamp, light (to shine, to blaze)
PRABHAA –to shine forth, to gleam

PRA – (prefix) – forward, in front, onward, away, excessive, beginning etc.
BHAASVARA- greatest, best, excellent light;
BHAA – light, luster, brightness

KARANA – instrument or means of an action

BAHIHI – external, outside

SPANDA – throbbing, vibration


BHAANTAM - shining
ANU – to follow, to go after, connected with

SAMASTAM – thrown together, joined together


Salutations to that Great Manifestation;
that Manifestation towards the descent!
Salutations to that Supreme state;
which manifestation alone is experienced by the entire world as
‘I cognize’;
which manifestation alone as Knowledge pours out through the senses
as an external space time experience;
which manifestation is the Supreme light of Consciousness acting
as the individual Cognizer as if contained in a pot filled with holes.
How does One Supremacy appear as so many?
You as the Jeeva - the collection of Vaasanaas - pause for a second in your unceasing chase after senses objects and ponder; look at yourself; analyze yourself.
The body you call as yourself is inert.
It is a cell-pot.
It is just a heap of atoms moving in and out.
Your body does not even have a proper shape; your brain does it for you by drawing lines.
Your shape is somewhat like a puddle in the muddy ground. The brain somehow conceives proper shapes and superimposes perfect shapes on the vague collections of atoms and makes you feel comfortable.
It codes color symbols for the speeding electromagnetic waves and keeps you happy.
It creates sound- symbols inside itself to decode the changing pressures of the atmosphere and makes you feel secure.
Though all these coding systems evolved in the surviving race of the gene groups, we can ignore all that just for now and just analyze our present existence.
Actually you are a moving wave of atoms; a collection of cells busily going on about their work without an idea of why they are doing whatever they are doing.
As they work like automatons some neural cells flash forth in different symbolic forms as commands without knowing why they are doing whatever they are doing.
The whole structure labeled as ‘you’ is like an ant colony where innumerable ants are busily moving in different formations without knowing why they are doing whatever they are doing.

In this mobile colony, where are ‘you’ situated?
Who are you?
The cells?  Atoms? Collections of cells? Piles of atoms? Symbols which arise in the gooey mass at the top of this anthill?
Who are you? Where are you?
Something still says ‘I’ am there; ‘I’ am in control of everything!
What control? Whose control?
The whole ant colony or rather the cellular colony of you body is obeying the command of the chemicals oozing out in the gooey mass at the top!
Still you are screaming ‘I’ am there!
What is this ‘I’?
This I is not the cell colony; not the pile of atoms; not the chemically moved mobile vehicle; but ‘I’!
Again look at the body you call yourself.
There are some holes here and there; these holes came into existence in the evolutionary cycle just for the sake of survival!

Let us just look at the body as it is now at twenty first century.
Two holes on two sides created in a particular shape to catch the changes in air pressure and pass it to the brain which makes a noise within itself and says – sound.

Two holes at the top of the so called face; the light rays travelling at the speed of one lakh eighty six thousand miles per second, hit the object and hit these two holes; which convey the message to the brain and the brain sees an upside down picture; it quickly colors it up; straightens it up and says - sight.

To tell you the secret of light, if it was not speeding at that particular speed, the whole world you see would just become a picture scribbled by an insane person. No wonder humans worship this electromagnetic wave as a form of God!

Another two holes below a cone-structure; which filter the atmospheric gaseous garbage, take only the oxygen and throw away the rest of the gaseous matter regularly without a break; these holes also decode the molecules that enter them saying this smell is good; this is fragrant, this is rotten etc. and inform the brain about the dangers and good things of the world.
Another huge gaping hole exists at the bottom of the round wobbling mass of flesh, with a soft padded door, with crushing mechanisms and a snaky fleshy carpet alert for any thing that enters inside.
The snake-carpet warns the brain about the good and bad of the fuel intake of the chemical automaton; yet the brain ignores its warnings and pushes whatever is available into the pit like shoveling garbage into a pit. The snake-carpet also is capable of altering air pressures coming out of it, so other brains decode it as language and communicate.

Seven holes are over; the other two are the excretory and reproductive organs.
Eat and push out; mate and reproduce; this is the set rule for this survival machine.
This cellular mechanism has never stopped working from the time the first cell started its business of survival and is going on now and will go on forever unless man-made machines take over the world in the future and put a stop to gene commands.

You are the nine holed ant colony with a screaming ‘I’ somewhere inside.
What is this ‘I’?
This ‘I’ is the Supreme Brahman. It is pure Consciousness.
This awareness leaks out through these holes and says I see, I hear, I feel; I taste;
I reproduce; etc etc.

The Vaasanaas inside the One big ‘I’ of Para Brahman write the picture of the world for their play; and that is perceived by the one and only ‘I’ as the perceived world.
And this One and only Para Brahman ‘I’ creates a ‘ghost I’ and starts imagining the cell colony as itself; believes the inert body which is not aware of anything as the ‘I’ and
experiences a life bound by space and time limitations; the ‘ghost I’ starts to suffer by identifying itself with every perception occurring through the senses; and that is the story of our existence!
That ‘One I’ pours out through the screen of the Vaasanaa and through the brushes called senses and draws the colorful picture of the world and imagines itself to be a bound being.

who dreams the dream of this world
 and wakes up to the reality of his own Self!
Salutations to my own Self!
 Salutations to all the perceived forms around me
who are my own Self!
Salutations to me,
the Supreme DakshinaaMoorti,
the Unmanifest Manifest Brahman”

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