देहं प्राणमपीन्द्रियाण्यपि चलं बुद्धिम्श्च शून्यं विदु:
स्त्रीबालान्धजड़ोपमास्त्वहमिति भ्रान्तात्भृशंवादिन:
तस्मै श्री गुरुमूर्तये
नम इदं श्री दक्षिणामूर्तये [5]
He who destroys the great infatuation arising by the power of Maaya in
who understand the body, vital air, senses, change,
intellect and void as the ‘I’,
deluded like the woman, child, blind man and idiot, and argue the same with intensity; to that Great Guru, Dakshinaa Moorti, I offer
this salutation.
DEHAM – body
PRAANAM – vital air
CHALAAM -moving
BUDDHI - intellect
VID – to know
STREE - woman
BAALA - child
ANDHA - blind
JADA- inert, dull, stupid,
UPAMA – resemblance,
BHRAANTA – gone astray,
mistaken, wandering about, perplexed
BRSHAM –intense, excessively,
VAADA -argument
SHAKTI - power
VILAASA- sport, play
VYAAMOHA- infatuation,
bewilderment, perplexity
withdrawing, closing, restraining, conclusion
Salutations to that Great Manifestation;
that Manifestation towards the descent!
Salutations to that Supreme state;
the realization of that state destroys
the great delusion
which arises by the deluding power of the
which has made possible the countless
theories about Self
which argue the Self to be
the gross body, vital air, senses,
Change, Intellect, or void;
such that this delusion makes even
learned ones to act foolish
like the non-realized, immature idiots
who act blind to the Immediate Truth- our own Consciousness or awareness!
MAAYAA! The supreme
deluding power of Para Brahman!
It covers up the Truth and makes it appear as something
The main delusion we are all suffering from is our
We are not what we believe we are!
We have forgotten our true identity and thinking something
else as us!
What is this misunderstood identity like?
We laugh at the brain damaged patients imprisoned within the
four walls of the mental institutions when some of them say that they are
Napoleons; that they are the presidents; that they are the famous film stars;
etc etc; they do not lie; but live in their own world of imagination where it
is true only for themselves.
We, who firmly believe in our own intellectual superiority,
call them as mad and pity them because they live in an imagined world of their
own. We see schizophrenics who converse with people whom we do not see; we give
them medical attention anxious about their well-being. But for the
schizophrenic, his hallucination is very very real.
In one sense, we are also schizophrenic, insane and
blabbering nonsense about our identities. Because the whole populated world
experiences the same hallucinations, we do not understand our own insane
condition. Which mental institution is there to cure our misconceptions?
Some of us think that the ant colony of the body is the only
We feed it, pamper it, beautify it, cover it with gold and
silk and diamonds; push all that is edible into its gaping hole; and then one
day vanish off with the death of the cells.
We thought we were the body; so we die with it.
We live in our hallucination of a body based world. We love
our clothing with nine stinking holes.
Some are slightly a step above the body based world. They
think of themselves as the PRAANA residing
inside the body. The life-force is the ‘I’ they proclaim. They raise the power
of Praana and experience various types of blissful states.
Some imagine themselves as souls residing inside the heart
region. They imagine worlds after death where they will go as a white light up
They imagine hells that boil us and heavens where pretty
maidens hug and kiss us; they think of God worlds where Krishna
will play his flute or a Shiva will dance to reward their devotion. They think
of eternal worlds where they sing ‘Bhajans’ unceasingly and imagine a God to
patiently hear all their blabbering of fanatic love.
They imagine ghosts and spirits; they imagine devils and
demons; they imagine evil gods and good devils!
Which mental institution is ready to cure this type of
Some people are not even aware of their own existence. The
evolutionary level of Self awareness itself is not reached by them. They live
in the world of senses.
Eyes want to see something; they see; ears wants to hear;
they hear; tongue wants to taste; they taste any thing and everything - even
loathsome cockroaches fried in oil. Living every moment only for fulfilling the
ever rising wants of the mind they chase sensual pleasures; they live in the sense-world
only. They do not understand love, or patriotism, or Knowledge or values. They
understand only the dopamine secretions in their brains and strive only for
attaining such chemically induces pleasures.
‘Enjoy every moment’ is their motto; and they enjoy, enjoy,
enjoy, till one day all the poison of the enjoyments bursts out as diseases and
leads them towards destruction through the path of untold miseries.
Some people are at a higher level than these lost
They do not go after these mean enjoyments; they revel in
intellectual pleasures.
They understand the subtlest truths of science or philosophy
yet will tread the roads of their life with arrogance and vanity. They will
discover the truths of the science and religion and parade it as their
intellectual property and lock it up in their cup boards or exchange it for
some green papers; some will talk for hours in a flowery language about the
Supreme Godhead and Upanishads and will watch the video coverage of their
lectures with a grin like that of a chimpanzee inside their private chambers,
when alone. Not realizing what they understood intellectually, living as
bloated egos of intellectual supremacy, they also die along with the
destruction of their cell colony.
Some go even above that; they see nothing as truth. They see
everything as Change. Of course everything changes every fraction of a second;
there is no permanency in anything. But they adhere to only this principle of
Change and disregard everything else. They believe neither in the perceiver nor
in the perceived.
For them everything is void; pure void; nothing exists.
Once Shankara was arguing with such a person; the opponent
was saying- ‘everything is changing; every moment you are also changing and I
am also changing; nothing can be the unchanging reality’. Shankara said with a
mischievous smile – ‘then with whom am I arguing?’ and walked away.
All these people are truly deluded.
‘पुरि शेते इति पुरुषः’
One who sleeps in the city (of nine doors) is PURUSHA.
This term refers to both genders. Purusha is the Self who
perceives with the help of Prakriti. Purusha is said to be lame and Prakriti is
considered as blind.
One who acts in the level of worldly activities only; one
who does not identify with the PURUSHA,
the Self - is indeed a STREE – opposite of Purusha – the inert body!
One who is engaged in a limited world of toys like sense
pleasures is just a BAALA.
A person who does not know his own Self and imagines the
perceived world to be real is truly a blind person, ANDHA.
A person who thinks is he is a body and acts as body, lives
as the inert body is inert himself, so a JADA.
This is the delusion; great delusion; greatest infatuation
yet a conception created for sport by the deluding power of the Supreme
He alone has the power to destroy this delusion also.
He alone is capable of making us know ourselves as the
Purusha; he alone can make us mature; he alone can cure our blindness; he alone
can make us know of our conscious nature.
dreams the dream of this world
and wakes up to the reality of his own Self!
to my own Self!
Salutations to all the perceived forms around
who are
my own Self!
to me,
Supreme DakshinaaMoorti,
Unmanifest Manifest Brahman”
सन्मात्रःकरणोपसंहरणतो योsभूत्सुषुप्त: पुमान्
प्रागस्वाप्तमिति प्रबोधसमये
तस्मै श्री गुरुमूर्तये
नम इदं श्री दक्षिणामूर्तये [6]
Enveloped by the deluding power of Maayaa
like the Sun and Moon getting swallowed up by Raahu ;
He who remains as Existence alone, withdrawing all the instruments of
He who understands –‘I was asleep’ at the time of waking up;
to that Great Guru, Dakshinaa Moorti, I offer this salutation.
RAAHU- eclipse (A mythical
demon taking revenge on the Sun and Moon Gods for getting cheated by them both)
DIVAAKARA- one who makes the
light/day - Sun
INDU-moistens and dampens the
Earth with its rays - Moon
UPASAMHARANA- withdrawal
SUSHUPTAHA- one who is in
deep sleep
PUMAAN -Purusha- the
individual Self
PRATYABHIJNA- to recover
Salutations to that Great Manifestation;
that Manifestation towards the descent!
Salutations to that Supreme state;
which state enveloped by Maayaa
is equal to that of the Sun or Moon enveloped
by the eclipse;
is akin to the deep sleep state where
all senses are withdrawn
and Existence alone remains;
where one just remembers -‘ Ah, I was
at the instance of complete awakening.
(At the instance of realization, the
individual Self knows its identity as the Supreme Self and understands both the
delusory state and the state free of delusion as its own aspects and there
exist not in that state, ideas of differentiations between deluded and non-deluded
How does all this occur? How can the One Absolute Pure
Brahman become deluded ‘as’ the myriad limited selves and suffer?
But HE actually does
not get deluded in reality. He does not ever ‘become’ the individual Self.
Then what indeed happens?
Many of you might have played shadow games. With the source
of light at the back, you just extend your hand and move your fingers in
different ways; the shadow on the wall will appear to be like a rabbit, crow,
man etc etc.
You can run a whole story of the rabbit and the lion in the
shadow world if few talented friends join together. But is the shadow story
true? Did your fingers in any way get affected by the shadow rabbit or shadow
lion? Did the fingers ever feel even the touch of the wall?
You were involved in the story as a rabbit all through yet
you were unaffected by any thing that happened in the shadow world. Para
Brahman is unperturbed too!
Light caused the shadows to appear, but by itself it has no
connection with the shadows.
Para Brahman is the cause of all these perceptions, yet is
unaffected by all this show.
Shadows were seen when the light was blocked. Where
Knowledge is blocked, delusion arises.
The Sun or the Moon get covered by Raahu (mythical
character) and disappear from view; but they do not cease to exist. Once the
eclipse is over the sun and the moon shine again in their full glory. Actually
sun and the moon were not at all affected by the eclipse and never became non
existent because of the eclipse.
The eclipse appears only for the earth dweller.
His vision alone is blocked. The sun and moon shine as
Similarly this world of appearances arises because of the
covering up of Para Brahman by Maayaa.
Maayaa is that which hides the truth and make it appear as
something else; like seeing a rope as a snake; like seeing the conch shell as a
piece of silver.
We can see a miniature example of the eclipse when we fall
When we sleep all our senses stop working; the body is in a
paralyzed state; we are not aware of the body at all; eyes remain shut; not
even a dream experience is there;
we suddenly wake up and look at the clock; we are shocked;
already the night is over;
we had a good sleep of nine hours; yet we think that we
slept just a few minutes back.
We were unaware of ourselves during sleep. We did not cease
to exist; but were covered by the veil of ignorance when we slept and woke up
as ourselves after the sleep was over.
Similarly this world of appearances is just a sleep state,
where Para Brahman is dreaming this life as you and me and others; when we
realize our true nature, HE alone- you
alone- I alone will wake up to the true nature of the Self and exclaim – ‘Ah I
was asleep!’ - and laugh at the whole thing as of no value.
dreams the dream of this world
and wakes up to the reality of his own Self!
to my own Self!
Salutations to all the perceived forms around
who are
my own Self!
to me,
Supreme DakshinaaMoorti,
Unmanifest Manifest Brahman”
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